Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sunbeam and Brimstone Points
I now have everyone listed with the number of Sunbeam and Brimstone points they have earned to this point. I will keep the listing updated from this point forward.
How It Works
When I observe a worthy act on this blog, I offer a Sunbeam point, and vice versa, a Brimstone point. Totally subjective on my part.
The way you get rid of a Brimstone point is to earn 10 Sunbeam points. Although your Brimstone point will be changed to 0, your name will remain on the Brimstone list as a reminder of what can happen when you let go of the rod of righteousness.
This is not an official declaration, but you can assume that the following rankings are a somewhat accurate assessment of where you are in the eternal scheme of things:
1-10 points = member
11-20 points = deacon
21-30 points = teacher
31-40 points = priest
41-50 points = elder
51-60 points = bishop
61-70 points = steak president
71-80 points = seventy (of course)
81-90 points = apostle
91-100 points = profit
100+ points = calling and election made sure
I must point out that women are only eligible for member status regardless of the number of Sunbeam points they earn.
Molly the Mormon
Saturday, September 22, 2007
LDS Church Issues Statement of Regret for Massacre
I admonish you to take the mountain meadows massacre challenge and pray to see if these things are true. Don't believe what you read on the internet. It is all false. Believe only in your own faith and testimony, and you will come to realize that the Lamanites didn't know what they were doing and probably acted under the direction of the Lord.
Molly the Mormon
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Perversions of the Natural Man
Let's discuss the top 10 perversions here:
1. Greed - Leads to Envy
2. Envy - Leads to Lust
3. Lust - Leads to Pornography
4. Pornography - Leads to Gay Pornography
5. Gay Pornography - Leads to Gayism
6. Gayism - Satin's plan to prevent the second coming
See a pattern here?
7. Alcoholism - Leads to Idleness
8. Idleness - Leads to Extra-marital sex
9. Extra-Marital Sex - Leads to Abortion
10. Abortion - Satin's backup plan to prevent the second coming
I think this illustration makes it perfectly clear how one little slip-up can lead you down the crooked path, yea even the slippery slope that either ends in Gayism or Abortion. Both of these evils prevent our spirit siblings from inhabiting their earthly tabernacles, thus preventing the second coming of Joseph.
Can't you see the cunning ways of satin? Can't you see how important it is to hold to the rod of righteousness and to follow the straight and narrow path that leads back to brother Joseph?
Brothers and Sisters, I testify to you here today, that these things are true, and if you heed this council, you will be blessed with the spirit of Joseph and hope of Heber.
These things I leave with you in the name of Joseph Smith
Molly the Mormon
Friday, June 15, 2007
Letters From Readers
From time to time, I will post emails that I recieve from readers that find comfort in my blog.
Dear Molly,
I am SO glad I stumbled upon your blog. I have learned so much by reading your insightful posts and commentary. I had no idea that Satin was using gayism to thwart God's plan, but from reading your last post and praying about it, I can now see that his plan makes perfect since. Oh Molly, please continue to spread your gospel truths about the church and Joseph Smith.
The Mission Field
So brothers and sisters, as you can see our efforts here are working. Let's continue our crusade to thwart Satin's plan by ending gayism, because remember, a gay world is a world without children and is a world where everyone has aids.
Molly the Mormon
Friday, June 08, 2007
Telletubbies are teaching our children to be Gays
I feel I would be ungrateful if I didn't warn you about the evils of a "children's" TV show that is nothing more than a propogator of Gay porn.
Teletubbies teach our innocent, tender children how to be gay and have gay sex.
If you watched this, go directly to your Bishop and repent.
We need to start a petition to get KBYU to drop this filth from the airwaves.
This TV show is counter productive to Gay-curing steps to ending gaydom.
Together we can make a difference.
Molly the Mormon
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Not one, but 16 Profits
Official LDS News Release
Now you know that when it comes to church doctrine, it is not only the profit that is speaking, but the quorum of the 12 apostles and the first presidency and the presiding bishop, all speaking the truth. Nay sayers will try to point out that this means we don't have a profit at all, that direct communication from God must go thru correlation, but I poo poo such falty reasoning.
We have not lost a profit, we have gained an additional 15 profits.
This is a time for rejoicing for the time is drawing near that Joseph will return to claim his throne on the left hand of God. (Jesus already took the right hand)
Molly the Mormon
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Beat the Blues: REPENT!
I have been silent lo these many months, because I was blessed to give birth to my eighth child, Helaman. I know I am blessed among women and I embrace my divine roll, that of Mother. Being a mother is indeed my work and my glory. There is no higher honor than this for me. I am so very glad that I was blessed to have yet another boy! The world surely needs more righteous priesthood bearers. I am glad to have my one sweet daughter, Emma, to help me in the household duties, but nothing compares to the swelling in my bosom I get when I see my dear boys all lined up in a row at church in their Sunday best. I can’t wait til the day that they all bear their priesthood in righteous dominion over their own families, yea, even their own worlds someday.
Molly the Mormon
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Callings are of God
Your Bishop or Stake President is called of God, and in an as much as he accepts that mantle, he will be a conduit for God's wishes to be fulfilled here on earth in our mortal probation. Yea even will any calling extended to you by these faithful brethren, be also an extension of God's will.
There are a few things that it is of utmost importance that you understand regarding any extended calling:
1) All callings are from God, not man.
2) Refusing a calling is being unfaithful to Joseph and is accompanied by dire consequences
3) Not magnifying your calling is tantamount to rejecting the sacrifice Joseph made at Liberty
4) Your very soul depends on your faithful acceptance and fulfillment of any extended call
Now let's discuss this a bit further. Jesus could have rejected his calling to be our savior, but no, he said, "not my will father, but thine be done." Brother Joseph could have rejected his devine calling to be the Lord's instrument in restoring the true church back on the earth, but no, he gladly accepted this calling and sealed it with his blood. Are you willing to accept your calling and seal it with your blood? As for me and my house, we will follow Joseph Smith.
Matthew states that only the faithful will stand on the right hand of God after the resurrection. Do you want to be counted among the sheep or the goats?
Callings are so important to the church that the profit has even been inspired to eliminate many paid positions inside the church while replacing them with church callings and mission calls. Positions like working at the cannery, ward janitors, working on the church farms and ranches, business positions in the church offices in Salt Lake, Temple presidents and workers, etc. Many of the callings are skilled positions that command great salaries in the corporate world, and the church has seen fit to suffer the consequences of not being able to hire talented young men and women but rather settle for free labor as provided thru faithful members. This sacrifice makes it obvious to me how important it is for us as members of Joseph's restored church, to accept the callings and to fulfill them to our utmost ability so as not to disappoint Joseph, our father, and the savior.
Brothers and Sisters, I have had the holy ghost bear witness to me that these things are true and I close in the name of Joseph Smith...amen.
Molly the Mormon
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
LDS Inc. = Windows of Heaven
The great thing about this isn't that the LDS church has 1 Billion dollars laying around, or owns more buildings that 7-eleven, but rather that not a single penny of tithing money was used in the purchase of the mall or other like properties purchased recently. These purchases are made solely from funds generated from other LDS business interests. This overwhelming wealth and success can only be attributed to faithfulness of its members.
This is the single-most testiment to a people being blessed by our Heavenly Father since the birth of Joseph Smith, and is a great example of the windows of heaven being opened up pouring out treasures so great that there is not room enough to recieve it.
Brothers and Sisters, this is proof positive that the LDS church is the only true church on the face of this planet, and that the righteousness of its faithful members (full tithe payers) has caused the windows of heaven to open up. This can be you too! I can't wait until the windows of heaven open up for me.
God loves members of his church and shows this love by pouring down blessings for those that have sacrificed in the name of Joseph Smith. I'm not talking about token sacrifices here. I'm talking about the sacrifices of true believers, the ones that will make it to the Celestial Kingdom.
I'm talking about members that pay a full and honest tithing (10+ percent of gross income) plus an honest Fast offering, plus support for the scouting program, plus support for the perpetual education fund, and plus supporting the missionary fund to help pay for the missions of those who are less fortunate and cannot pay their own way.
Brothers and sisters, if you are truly a faithful member of God's true church on earth, you will be paying a good 20-25% of your gross income to the church to support all the auxilary programs, temples, missions, and other business interests, but don't think that you are done with only that minor sacrifice. In addition you should be holding at least 1 major calling in the church, or 2-3 minor callings. A major calling is one that requires you dedicate at least 40 hours a week. Anything less and you are not magnifying your calling. If you have a minor calling that only requires 15-20 hours a week, then you need to go to your bishop and ask for addition callings.
I would try to keep your service to the Lord to around 40 hours a week. This will still leave time for your home and visiting teaching assignments. Remember, that a dedicated HT or VT visits their families at least twice a month. Once a month shows no dedication and gives the appearance of number padding, and we all know that home teaching and visiting teaching is not about the numbers.
Remember, this is the Lord's work, but he can't do it without our help, but with our help and sacrifice, the church will become even more rich and powerful enabling it to have enough money to further the Lord's work by spreading the Gospel and recruiting more faithful members.
Brothers and Sisters, I know that the church is true and this work is inspired of God.
In the name of Joseph Smith,
Molly the Mormon
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Life outside Zion
Here is a picture of your typical Wyomingite taken at the lake:

Even the public transportation is full of drug addicts and users:

Why, I was walking downtown on my way to the market to get some chocolate chip cookie ingredients, and was accosted by several men under the influence of the devil, and who smelled of last week's laundry. They kept following me, asking me for a quarter to help them bye a bus ticket to see their mom. I was finally forced to rebuke them by raising my arm to the square. You better believe they went running after that.
Oh brothers and sisters, this just goes to show you how lucky we have it in Zion. We have the truth and we don't need to mask our lives with alcohol and drugs. We can instead, be filled with the spirit of righteousness, manafested by the priesthood. I testify that Joseph Smith restored the truth to this earth and I know this to be true, yea even with every fiber of my being.
If reading this makes you feel the spirit, I invite you to pray with me. Pray that the poor lost souls of Wyoming will one day be sober, and will seek out the true guidance that only the teachings of brother Joseph can provide them. Pray that the true light of Joseph Smith will brighten their lives and guide them back home to our father in heaven. Together we can make a difference. If we pray loud and long enough, our prayers will surely be answered. We can change the face of the country, one state at a time.
In the name of Erastus Snow,
Molly the Mormon
Friday, December 01, 2006
Stand by your Man
Now, some of you may be thinking that your marriage is not what it used to be, or that there is no hope of rekindling that fire that the 2 of you used to enjoy. Sisters, if you want your marriage to change, you have to take things into your own hands. Simply by doing little things, you can reap big rewards. Here are a few examples of what you can do to make your husband more comfortable and happy, and this will translate into a blissful home and marriage:
1: While he is in the shower, run and place his towel in the dryer to get it nice and warm for him.
2: Place little sunbeam messages in hidden places that he will uncover. I like to unroll the toilet paper and write notes to my man there. Use a seperate roll of toilet paper if necessary to assure he gets the message.
3: When he gets home from a long hard day at work, take off his shoes and give him a foot rub. This could lead to even better things, like a bigger allowance.
4: Make sure he always has clean underwear, folded and sorted in his drawer.
5: Cook his favorite meal at least once a week. If he is late for work, keep it warm for him in the oven and don't eat until he sits down to his meal so he doesn't have to eat alone.
6: Always freshen up right before he comes home so you look your best for him. Make sure your dress is pressed and clean. Change dresses if you need to.
7: Wear his favorite perfume. Put it on right before he walks in the door.
8: Place the sports page by his plate when he comes for breakfast. Only ham and eggs will do for my man.
9: Make sure the kids are playing in the backyard when he comes home so they don't disturb him as he unwinds.
10: Mark on your calendar the days that his favorite sports team plays, and have it turned on waiting for him. My man can't get enough of sports.
Now, there a few excellent suggestions to make your marriage better. If any of you sisters have any great suggestions to add to this list, please feel free to add them here so we can all enjoy them. And if any of you brothers have a suggestion that us wives don't readily see, please tell us how we can make your life easier.
After all, it is the man who carrys all the responsibility for the family. He holds the priesthood, and you can't get into the celestial kingdom without him, so it is in your best interest to make his life as easy as possible.
Let me know how this works.
Molly the Mormon
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Think of Tithing as Fire Insurance
There are some cheap scapes that try to conjer up reasons why not to pay a true tithing. Well, I only have one thing to say to them. Don't stand next to me at the second coming of Joseph Smith because you are gonna burn like toast.
Oh, I hate saying things like that, but its true, as found in the Book of Mormon. Please turn away from your wicked ways and go straight to your bishop with your check book open. It is not too late for this year. Tithing settlement is still a month away. Open your check book and let the windows of heaven open up for you. I just know that as soon as my blessings come, I will be amazed at their abundance. I want you to have that same feeling. I also want to be able to stand next to you at the second coming. Remember, an honest tithing is like buying fire insurance.
Molly the Mormon
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Melchizedek Steps to ending Gaydom
Now of course, you can't be expected to overcome such a hideous practice by merely taking the initiatory steps. You now must take the next big step towards washing your garments of sin, yea even the sins of Sodhomy and Gonareah.
Melchizedek Steps:
1. Complete all the Aaronic (initiatory) steps.
2. Think of things that will turn you off.
a. Think of your boyfriends penis as a poisonous snake spewing venom. This will make you steer way clear of that thing.
b. Think of what comes out of the other end as well. Where do you think aids comes from?
a. Do you know where your girlfriends mouth has been? Think about it. Is that something you want to kiss? Not me thank you.
b. Gay women don't even shave their legs or armpits. If you stop and think about these things, you will see that this is not what you really want.
3. Do something nice for someone of the opposite sex. This will take your mind off of your urges and may even get you your first real God-sanctioned date.
4. Avoid touching yourself. You must get used to not touching things that resemble your urges. Great Mormon leaders have counceled us to leave the door open when we use the bathroom or take a shower. Tie your right arm to the bed post (left arm if you are left-handed). This will make it hard to play with yourself at nite. Wear 3 sets of clothes (fully fastened) to bed to make it difficult to touch yourself at nite.
5. Finally, whenever you have spare time, read the Book of Mormon. This way you will not have time to be gay.
Oh brothers and sisters, I feel so strongly about this, and I just know that if you follow these 5 steps (after completing the initiatory steps) you will be able to overcome your weaknesses, and be able to turn them to your strengths. I bear my testimony to you that these things are true.
In the name of Joseph Smith
Molly the Mormon
Saturday, September 16, 2006
5 Initiatory (Aaronic) Steps to Ending Gaydom
So if you are Gay or are contemplating being Gay, here are some steps to help you overcome those urges:
- If you are a man, wear pants. If you are a woman, wear a dress. You be surprised how this will allow you to identify with your own gender.
- If you are a man, don't wear makeup. If you are a woman, wear makeup. Same reason as number one.
- If you are a man, don't go shopping. Instead chop some firewood or play football. If you are a woman, don't chop firewood or play football, instead go shopping....see how easy this is?
- If you are a man, talk like a man. If you are a woman, talk like a woman.
- If you are a man, walk like a man. If you are a woman, walk like a woman.
With prayful thoughts,
Molly the Mormon
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Follow the Profit
Molly the Mormon
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Cookies for Christ
I went out of my way to let them know that our Ward loved and appreciated them, and invited them to attend church this Sunday. I can't tell you how great I felt as I was walking home. I just know they will come. When they return the dish, I plan on giving them some pamplits that talk about how families can be forever.
I encourage everyone of you to do the same. Bake some cookies and take them to the inactive couple on your street. If you don't have a great cookie recipe like mine, you can always take Jello. You can never miss with Jello. And, don't forget the scotch tape.
Please let me know how this works out.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Satin is working overtime.
Some of these blogs I will list here:
discovering la (sounds like an R-rated telly tubby movie)
joseph's left one (how discusting)
simeon's peep stone (only fools use peep stones)
agnostic mom
mormon truth
a new eric (added at the request of eric himself--I can't believe he wants to be associated with the likes of those listed above)
and many many more
Brothers and sisters, PLEASE do not visit these blogs unless your intent is spiritual harvesting.
These people are influenced by the devil and mean to lead you away from the truth!!
They really can't help it though. They need our help. We must help them overcome the wisperings of the fallen one.
I propose that we have a prayer vigil at exactly 9:00pm MST on Saturday night. Let's lift our voices to the lord in prayerful concern for these poor lost souls. Together we can make a difference because as sure as I am here today, I know that our prayers will be answered.
Thanks for your faithful dedication.
Yours in faith,
Molly the Mormon
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Introducing Molly The Mormon

This new blog will be dedicated to the greatest cause possible, that of defending the only true church on the face of the earth...The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the courageous leaders that restored Jesus's chuch on earth, and continue to do the Lord's work today. I hope you enjoy my blog as great topics will be discussed that are aimed at perfecting the saints and converting lost souls.
Stay tuned for future uplifting topics.