Friday, June 15, 2007

Letters From Readers

This post is a new installment I like to call, "Letters From Readers"
From time to time, I will post emails that I recieve from readers that find comfort in my blog.

Dear Molly,

I am SO glad I stumbled upon your blog. I have learned so much by reading your insightful posts and commentary. I had no idea that Satin was using gayism to thwart God's plan, but from reading your last post and praying about it, I can now see that his plan makes perfect since. Oh Molly, please continue to spread your gospel truths about the church and Joseph Smith.


The Mission Field

So brothers and sisters, as you can see our efforts here are working. Let's continue our crusade to thwart Satin's plan by ending gayism, because remember, a gay world is a world without children and is a world where everyone has aids.


Molly the Mormon


Anonymous said...

I have been lost and have been preying for an answer and then I found your blog. You are a light on a hill.

An Enlightened Fairy said...

I am so very excited to see this installment on your blog. How wonderful that you are getting the message out... especially to sweet little sister missionaries, like Milly. She's battling Lucyfer on the front lines each and everyday; she needs to know what she's up against!
Did you serve a mission Molly? I would love to hear about your experiences...
Bless you Molly,
The Sacred Sister

Sideon said...

I thought a gay world looked a big ole gay pride parade, one with flashy and outrageous and occassionally fashionable ensembles?

Molly - gay people have children. Just look at your Vice Presidential hero - Cheney's daughter Mary and her lesbian partner Heather and the birth of their new baby.

I'll refrain from commenting on your comment about AIDS - not because I have compassion for the depth of your ignorance - it's because I don't want to have to work off any more negative karma.

Anonymous said...

Molly, in reading your blog I have learned more about profits, aids, rolls and Satin than I ever thought I would as a non-LDS person. Ramiupmptum, or however you spell it. I may have to get special jammies soon. Keep up the good work. Please stay in Utah County though, you scare us folk on the other side of the point of the mountain.

Do we work together? LOL

Anonymous said...

Mol, I always thought Satin was cool and silky, but you have shown me the error of my thinking.

However, I'm still not sure about the whole praying to Joseph Smith thing, that's just weird.

Bring'um Young,


donangelo said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Molly, I'm so glad you're tackling the gayism issue head-on. That's a really troubling trend in the church today . . . all those big gay people who are absolutely destroying the church . . . I've heard that after Canada started allowing gay marriage every single straight marriage in the entire country instantly collapsed, some right in the middle of anniversary parties.

Molly The Mormon said...


I have 8 children. Isn't it obvious how many times I've had sex? Duh, 8 times.

cv rick,

You are soo right. this is a crisis happening on our doorstep. we all have to work together to keep gay marriage out of the US.

Next thing you know, gays will want to have the same rights as real people.

1 sunbeam point for you.


Molly the Mormon

Travis Whitney said...


I have a very important question for you. I know you are inspired by the spirit and can answer my question without delay...

My wife knows that I am questioning the church and the words of the profits. She has a few questions herself, but doesn't know how to get me to just throw those questions out and believe the church with every fibre of my being. What advise can you give her so that my soul can be saved once again?


Travis Whitney said...

I was taught that you could have sex as many times per week as you have children.

My wife doesn't want any more children... I guess twice a week is enough for her.


Molly The Mormon said...

Deer Mrs. paranoidfr33k,

You have come to the right place. What it really boils down to is this. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a true profit and all other doubts can just be swept aside as inconsequencial.

Admonish you're husband to read the book of mormon and pray earnestly about its validity. If he does not get an answer, or if his answer is that the book of mormon is not true, then he is not open to the spirit and is recieving confirmations from satin. He probably has some sinful behavior that has need of repentance.

Check his underwear drawer for pornography and look for gay tendencies or manerisms. These 2 things will surely keep the spirit of Joseph far from him.

Know that you are not alone in this struggle for your husband's soul. We will all pray for him.

Let me know if he turns out to be gay. I have outlined steps to overcome that weakness.


Molly the Mormon

Travis Whitney said...

Molly the Mormon,

I'm offended.


I do have to say, that if I do end up being gay, its all your fault! If you hadn't posted that gay porn propaganda on your website, I would have never turned out this way.

I shall commence reading the BOMb at the earliest convenience. But since my answer has always been a non-answer, which I used to interpret as "you already know", I'll just have to see what He says this time...

Oh, should I pray beforehand to profit Joseph so that his spirit will remain with me while reading? I've never done that before. Maybe it will work this time.


Sister Mary Lisa said...


I'm so glad you've got people looking to you for advice and wisdom! You are a gem.

You made me laugh out loud with your comment about having 8 kids, therefore you've done it 8 times. I swear, I couldn't believe you actually divulged sexual facts about yourself!! You're making strides, Mol!

donangelo said...
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Sister Mary Lisa said...

Donangelo ~

If you weren't so repulsive, I might comment about what you wrote.

donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,

i am very sorry if i offended you,it was not what was intended,i guess because i am a ex-mormon,and i am still a virgin,i don't express myself in a proper manner sometimes,so sister mary please forgive me,because i am very sorry,and i hope and pray that you accept my apology,because we need each other support,because after all we are both ex-mormons,and love is the answer,because you are still very beautiful in my opinion,and to make it up to you i will erase that comment that offended you if you want me to.

Anonymous said...

8 kids, 8 times?

Molly, I envy your self control.

Bring'um Young,


Travis Whitney said...


Having a few life experiences in common with others doesn't give you the right to be a pervert.


donangelo said...


i understand that now,and i am very sorry,for the rude comment,so please everyone forgive me please.

Sister Mary Lisa said...


Donangelo has every right to be a pervert. However, I'm afraid he'll remain a virgin if he continues making such crude comments to women.

donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,and paranoid freak33,remember that the holy bible teaches us to forgive one another,and then we shall be forgiven by our heavenly father.

donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,and paranoid freak,believe me when i say i am truly sorry,it is just that i miss my girl friend the one that the evil mormon bishop took and had sexuall relations with her,and then got her pregnant,but i know it is still no excuse for such explicit language,so once again sml and para33,please forgive me.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I can forgive you. This time. But not because I care about the bible, or Heavenly Father, whom I seriously doubt exists.

Just please refrain in future from such suggestively creepy comments, as they are offensive and cause others to assume you are trying to be offensive just for your own sick amusement.

Molly The Mormon said...

My oh my. I can see that I will have to conjure up a post on worldly perversions. I didn't have an opportunity to see the comment being referred to here since it was thankfully deleted by the author, but it must have been simply awful judging from the comments.

Sunbeam points to SML and paranoidfr33k

1 Brimstone point to donangelo

Brimstone points are new and cannot be easily revoked. It takes 10 Sunbeam points to revoke 1 Brimstone point.

Donangelo, you have some work to do. I suggest starting with daily Book of Mormon study coupled with hosting investigator jello parties.


Molly the Mormon

Anonymous said...

Brimstone points?

I hope I never get on your bad side Molly, I never want a Brimstone point.

Bring'um Young,


donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,

and all of my ex-mormon friends,i just want to tell all of you wonderful beautiful poeple thank you for forgiving me,because i can see that all of you guys are awesome and are truly the money,because all you guys have a big heart,that is filled with love,so thank you sml for forgiving me and being a true christian friend.

donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,

i just would like to say to you,that there is a God,because God is love and love is God,a matter of fact sml i prayed to our God,the great God of Israel,that you would find room in your heart to forgive me and sml you did,and i am grateful for that,because you see sml there is a heavenly father,and he still answers prayers,because my prayer was answered and i have this testimony,to say i know there is a God,and God is good all the time,because the bible teaches us that,we know that all things work together for good,for those who love God who is called according to his purpose romans 8-28

donangelo said...
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Sister Mary Lisa said...

More praying to your god for help in not doing anything that causes others to have to forgive you may be wiser in the long run. Just sayin'...

Molly The Mormon said...

Don Don Don (angelo that is)

I don't know what to do with you. You seem so conflicted between your lustful desires and your desire to please God (albeit the wrong one).

I tell you that you can get over this conflict simply by accepting Joseph Smith back into your life, and by embracing his teachings in the Book of Mormon.

You know that the gospel of Joseph Smith is true. That's why you keep coming back to this blog to be nourished with the truth.

Throw off all things of man and cling to the spirit, yea even the spirit of Joseph Smith. You will be accepted with open arms.

Just an FYI, there are 2 simple ways to be forgiven of past transgressions:

1. Pay an honest tithing.

2. Pay all the auxilary options as well, like missionary fund.


Molly the Mormon

Molly The Mormon said...


Believe me, you do not want to get a Brimstone point. They are very hard to get rid of.

1 Sunbeam point for you.


Molly the Mormon

donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,

remember that we walk by faith,and not by sight,remember sml the just shall live by faith alone,because the holy bible tells us,without faith it is impossible to please God,because as a christian believer,i am here to tell everyone that the biblical Jesus Christ is everything to me,because the biblical Jesus Christ is lord and savior,so sml i would strongly encourage you to read the holy bible,and to hold on to Jesus and never let go,because the bible tells us that we perish for lack of knowledge,so you see sml there is a God in heaven and he love us all as christian believers,so come as you are,because we christians are saved by grace,how sweet the sound,amazing grace that saved a wretch like me.

donangelo said...
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Crippled Sanity said...


I found your blog very discouraging. Not only is it factually incorrect, along with all the spelling & grammar errors...It is disturbing.

The self-righteous, judgmental, & 'holier-than-thou' attitude is so un-Christ-like.

What would Jesus do?

NOT read your blog.

President Hinckley is the PROPHET, not PROFIT.

You obviously got married right out of high school and started having kids. Hopefully, they don't take after your bad grammar, closed mindedness, and ignorance.

You make Pro-life, Republican, Heterosexual, Latter-Day Saints, like myself, look bad.

Just stop.

Stop breeding and read a book. Educate yourself if you intend to have a blog.

"Hail Joseph Smith?"

Similiar to "Hail, Hitler?"

Don't use the church to further your made up quest in life.

donangelo said...
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donangelo said...
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Anonymous said...

Donangelo, please, try to use some sentence structure. The lack of capitalization and gramatical errors would be a lot more tolerable if statements were seperated by a period.

It is really hard to try to find a point in your message when the eyes bug out from the run-on sentence.

Thank You,

Ann Onymous

Anonymous said...

Now marie, don't don't get your patties in a twist because Molly loves the profit, and Joe Smith. She hate Satin just like the rest of us.

Bring'um Young,


Sister Mary Lisa said...


Can't you see that Molly's on your side 100%? You need to accept her as one of your own, a fellow woman in the church that places you all way up high on your pedestals of motherly glory.

donangelo said...
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donangelo said...

hello sister mary lisa,

I just wanted to let you know that I loved reading your blog called hey mr. church.because you are exactly right sml when you said that the mormon cult did not and do not value their members.because the mormon bishops are mostly all hypocrites and pharasees just like the biblical Jesus Christ our lord warned us about.because sml you were right when you said those mormon bishops say with words that they value us.but their actions says something differently.because the truth is sml the evil mormon cult does not care anything about their own memebers because they are evil.because remember sml if the head be corrupted and joseph and the bom is the head of the mormon cult and we know that joseph smith and the bom are both corrupted.then the whole body is going to be corrupted and sml that is why we experienced such evil and lies and dishonesty at the mormon cult.because the lds cult and the bom has no authority or no integrity.

Anonymous said...


If what you are spouting is the truth, it's clouded under a cloud of babble. No, I am not the grammer police. I am merely trying to read the blog and finding it difficult when your run on sentences and lack of capitalization leave your messages unclear. You may be well versed in scripture and strong in your conviction, but your point may never be made in this manner. Thus far, you have not presented yourself as an educated Christian but more as a blithering idiot.

I'm not trying to be mean here, Donangelo, I would just like you to consider that HOW you say things are every bit as important as what you say.

Ann Onymous
(sitting back, relaxing, and hoping that Donangelo can pull himself together.)

donangelo said...

hello ann onymous,

but what I am saying is the truth.because remember ann,that the biblical Jesus Christ said I am the way the truth and the life and the only way to the father is through me John 14-6 and ann the biblical Jesus Christ also warned us that in the last days there would be false prophets just like Joseph Smith.

Anonymous said...


If you are going to quote the savior, it would only be right to do it properly. That means not including a quote in a run-on sentence. The use of proper quotation marks or spacial separation would hi-lite the words of Jesus Christ through your babbling. You just stated that what your are saying is the truth, but we can't figure out what you are saying the way you jumble everything together.

Now, dear, you seem to not understand that I am not defending Joseph Smith. I am just having a hard time taking you seriously when your posts seem to come from a ranting extremist who is either too uncomposed to write properly or too uneducated. The latter of which would lead a person to conclude that he is not well read enough to make a compelling argument, but rather spouting someone else's presentations of truth.

Ann Onymous
(shaking her head with pity)

donangelo said...
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donangelo said...
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Anonymous said...


There seems to be no point in trying to have a discussion with you until you take your Ritalin. You cannot concentrate on one topic. Neither can you write or read plain English.

I have said nothing of Joseph Smith nor denied anything Biblical. Yet, you call me a liar saying, "you are a liar.who do not even believe the word of God." I have not offered you any opinions on my beliefs and yet you profess to know about me. You have placed a judgement and you probably know that Jesus Christ said:
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." - Matthew 7:1-2

There's an example for you, Donangelo. I stated that you made an "error" in your accusation. I referenced your own words. Then, I provided respectfully quoted scripture to support my statement.

Next issue is that I did not call you a an extremist. I said that your posts seem to come from a ranting extremist. The disorganization and accusatory nature of your posts imply ranting or a lack of education. There is the possibility of laziness, but I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. If you would like to make an intelligent point, please organize your statements.

For as much abuse as Molly takes over her grammer and spelling, at least she has structured writing. Now see what you've done! You have me defending Molly! (Molly and I don't regularly see eye to eye.)

I hope you can step down off your pulpit long enough to really think about what I am saying. Calm down and consider what point you want to make prior to typing.

Ann Onymous
(with a heavy sigh)

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I wish Ann could have seen your deleted comment to me, Donangelo. Then she'd really call you extreme, and rightfully so. I'd suggest you quit arguing with her, because she's right and will win every time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sister Mary Lisa. I had been concerned at some points that I was being too harsh. I just find those posts to be insufferably hard to read.

Ann Onymous

donangelo said...

hello ann and sml,

you guys are right I am wrong,you guys are right and you guys please forgive me.

Molly The Mormon said...

Ann Onymous,

Thanks for defending me (I think) even if it was unintentional.

1 Sunbeam point for you.

I see this as a first step towards embracing the truth of Joseph Smith and his one true church.


Molly the Mormon

Molly The Mormon said...


Oh fellow sister in the faith. Heed the words of SML, as she speaks the truth. Both you and I have the same agenda, that being perfecting the saints and harvesting lost souls.

Hail Joseph is like Heil Hitler?
I don't think so.

To hail is to vigorously pronounce approval.

To heil is to wish luck and good fortune.

Not the same thing.

Now honored sister, I know your intentions are good therefore I leave you with a portion of a well known Mormon Hymn:

...Hail to the profit, ascended to heaven. Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren. Death cannot conquer the hero again...

Seems I did open a book.


Molly the Mormon

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I love it when you sing, Molly.

donangelo said...

hello mollywood,

every christian is saved by grace.and I must tell you molly those lds or mormon hymns have no authority or no power. because joseph smith is not a hero,but a
false prophet.molly you and your lds cult should learn this christian hymn.because the biblical Jesus Christ is the true hero and lord.

Blessed Assurance

Blessed assurance,Jesus is mine
Oh what a fore taste of glory devine
Heir of salvation,Purchase of God
Born of his spirit,Washed in his blood
This is my story,This is my song
Praising my savior all the day long
This is my story,This is my song
Praising my savior all the day long

So molly please learn this song and you will see what true worship is all about.because for us christians we are saved by grace,because there is power in the blood of the biblical Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...


Molly never proclaimed that Mormon hymns have any authority or power. Molly quoted a hymn, that I would guess, she finds uplifiting and inspiring.

Your hymn was not taken from the Bible, but was written by a person. Music written by people is subject to interpretation and personal taste. You happen to like yours and she happens to like hers. Some people like Jazz while others prefer Country.

Again, Donangelo, you scattered your words and did not make a clear point. You started by saying, "every christian is saved by grace" and then faltered to effectively make a point with it. Well, Donangelo, according to the Bible, the words of Paul the Apostle are:
"Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:" - Ephesians 2:5-6

You see, Donangelo, the Bible does not say that CHRISTIANS were saved by the grace of God, but we were all saved. If you wished to include a hymn that supported your discussion of grace, you may have chosen "Amazing Grace" by John Newton, Olney Hymns.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That sav’d a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears reliev’d;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believ’d!

I just love some of the classics!

Ann Onymous

donangelo said...

who has never sinned let him cast the first stone,God is love and love is God

donangelo said...

love is the answer.

Molly The Mormon said...


10 sunbeam points for you.
You now can withstand a brimstone point without a single worry.


Molly the Mormon

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I'm liking Paranoidfr33k more and more.

Anonymous said...


Very well said. Way to stick up for the ladies here! Kudos on the stash to counteract a brimstone point. I can't wait to find out how you earn it!

Donangelo, you are spewing pointless statements again. Are you the one getting stoned? Perhaps you have just taken to uttering segments of scripture because you lack the ability to compose a complete sermon.

Quite frankly, this blog is usually a great place for an interesting debate of one sort or another. I just don't see any evidence of Donangelo being capable of building his opinions into any sort of arguable case. So, I think we will need a new topic to thoroughly discuss amongst ourselves. If Molly is too busy with her new baby to come up with something, maybe someone else has some suggstions.

Ann Onymous

Travis & Juleen Whitney said...


I'd like to accept the generous Sunbeam points on behalf of SML. I've done little and she has done much, even bearing the brunt of a horrible comment at the hands of Donangelo.

If SML or Ann Onymous ever need Sunbeam points, I'd gladly give them mine, if that is even allowed.

Unless, of course, I do something horrible in the meantime and Molly issues me a Brimstone citation. I hope I never do anything to receive it. But if I do, I know it will be just and true.
