Thursday, January 18, 2007

Callings are of God

My last post resulted in many comments that disturbed me, yea even causing me to quake. I felt impressed to kneal down at my bed stead and consult with the almighty about how to respond. I must say that the warmest feeling filled my bosum when I was inspired to write this post about Callings. Oh brothers and sisters, it is so important that you grasp the verity of what I am about to say.

Your Bishop or Stake President is called of God, and in an as much as he accepts that mantle, he will be a conduit for God's wishes to be fulfilled here on earth in our mortal probation. Yea even will any calling extended to you by these faithful brethren, be also an extension of God's will.

There are a few things that it is of utmost importance that you understand regarding any extended calling:

1) All callings are from God, not man.
2) Refusing a calling is being unfaithful to Joseph and is accompanied by dire consequences
3) Not magnifying your calling is tantamount to rejecting the sacrifice Joseph made at Liberty
4) Your very soul depends on your faithful acceptance and fulfillment of any extended call

Now let's discuss this a bit further. Jesus could have rejected his calling to be our savior, but no, he said, "not my will father, but thine be done." Brother Joseph could have rejected his devine calling to be the Lord's instrument in restoring the true church back on the earth, but no, he gladly accepted this calling and sealed it with his blood. Are you willing to accept your calling and seal it with your blood? As for me and my house, we will follow Joseph Smith.

Matthew states that only the faithful will stand on the right hand of God after the resurrection. Do you want to be counted among the sheep or the goats?

Callings are so important to the church that the profit has even been inspired to eliminate many paid positions inside the church while replacing them with church callings and mission calls. Positions like working at the cannery, ward janitors, working on the church farms and ranches, business positions in the church offices in Salt Lake, Temple presidents and workers, etc. Many of the callings are skilled positions that command great salaries in the corporate world, and the church has seen fit to suffer the consequences of not being able to hire talented young men and women but rather settle for free labor as provided thru faithful members. This sacrifice makes it obvious to me how important it is for us as members of Joseph's restored church, to accept the callings and to fulfill them to our utmost ability so as not to disappoint Joseph, our father, and the savior.

Brothers and Sisters, I have had the holy ghost bear witness to me that these things are true and I close in the name of Joseph Smith...amen.


Molly the Mormon


Anonymous said...

molly get your head out of your butt because we do not worship joseph smith you MORON... see that is the thing you are not mormon you are a MORON that does not know the religion that you are saying you are a faithfull member to

Anonymous said...

Your sacrilege is not funny and is only a reflection of your internal conflict. Fools mock, but they shall mourn.

May you find the peace that is missing from your life.


Angry Mormon Liberal said...

Ah but she is funny Tyler... Blasphemously funny with her finger firmly on the pulse of both the DAMU and the regular church population, but funny none the less. Funny like Monty Python funny, but I'm sure you haven't seen such blasphemous productions.

hum... Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.....

Just one of many said...

Oh Molly you are so right!! Maybe one day I'll be called to be an organ donator and save the profit's life!! Too bad I only have one heart to give!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Angry,
No, blasphemy is never funny, and in fact, in the food chain of comedy, it ranks down below the amoeba known as "Let me see if I can make them laugh by using filthy language" and other similar single-celled protozoa.

Dear Just One of Many,
If you'd like to save the profit's life someday, you may begin by using common cents.


Molly The Mormon said...


I think you need to use your spell checker. Mormon is spelled with 2 Ms.


What is blasphemous about declaring callings from your local leaders as being of God. I'm not sure how you misunderstood that part of the post.

And as for Joseph Smith, He has done more for mankind than any other being to walk the face of the earth save Jesus himself...and we have to be honest here. Not even Jesus was able to hold a church together. Joseph had to come in and clean up, if you will.


Molly the Mormon

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Molly, once again, I'm in awe of your ability to say it like it is. Well done. Thanks for praying for us all.

Bishop Rick said...


Isn't it written that a man that calls another man (or woman in this case) a fool will be thrust down to hell?

What makes you so sure that Molly is not sincere? I have read her stuff and it seems right on the money to me.

Bishop Rick said...


I think you are the one that doesn't know Mormon history and doctrine. Please tell me where Molly has gone astray.

Anonymous said...

It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him.

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

Bishop Rick said...


All sage advice for a fine fellow such as yourself to head.

Sideon said...

Which long-distance carrier is sanctioned by the One True Church?

Does Hinkley use the red God phone through Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, or MetroPCS?

Is it extra for 3-way callings, or is that included in the monthly charges?

Threads of the Divine said...
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Threads of the Divine said...

Brilliant post! I'm thinking about being rebaptized because of what you have written!

I wish I could have a calling now. What should I do?

Threads of the Divine said...
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Anonymous said...


Knice blog, you really knailed it. I’m knaught too sure what "kneal" means, but be careful when doing that, you might just hurt your bosum (whatever that is??).

Rick the Genius,

Dude, look up “clue” in the phonebook – you might find one or two. Or three. LOL!

Sister Mary Lisa said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't worry about Trevor Molly. Time and again the faithful have been persecuted for their beliefs.

And Simeon - what about ward activity coordinator?

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Oh-oh, Bishop Rick, you've just been admonished by TrevorLOL! I bet you feel just awful. Come see me if you need comforting.

Sister Mary Lisa said...
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Bishop Rick said...


If I were admonished by someone like yourself or Molly it might get to me, but Trevor has the intellect of a worm.

He has two posts that he just keeps cutting and pasting. One about spell checkers, and one about clues. If he ever had anything of substance to say, he might be taken serious, but until then...ain't worth the effort.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Good point, BR. I think you're right. He does kind of sound like a young teen who's bored. Poor guy.

Anonymous said...


Oh, dude, I'm speechless! I don't know what to say! Intellect of a worm? Oh, that's a good one, bishoPRICK!! I was thinking more along the lines of hamster or gerbil, but to have you classify me as an invertebrate, oh man, that's just genius, pure genius, bishoPRICK. Tell me, what kind of worm were you thinking of? A flatworm? Or maybe something a bit more parasitic, such as a tapeworm or a hookworm? What about an earthworm? Yes, as an earthworm, I would actually have a digestive system and a brain! Tell me, bishoPRICK, what does it feel like to be a biped? I wish I had some appendages like you, bishoPRICK. Then, I could stop eating dirt for every meal, and my chances of becoming bait on the end of a hook would be reduced significantly. Heck, maybe I could even pick up some chicks, like you, bishoPRICK! Yes, I would be cool like you, bishoPRICK! Yes, if only I had a notochord and some form of internal skeletal structure, then you and I could hang out together, bishoPRICK!! We could be chums, pals, amigos, bosom (or is it bosum?) buddies, best friends forever! And then I could become a bookworm, and I could learn a few words and phrases. I would be someone important and special, like you, bishoPRICK. Yes, I would be someone special. Just like you, bishoPRICK.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Trevor missed out on saying LOL! this time. I think maybe BR got to him.

Bishop Rick said...


Still again, nothing of substance. He does seem to be displaying a little appendage-envy though.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

BR, Appendage Envy?! You made me choke on my drink when I read that! Ha ha ha, you're a funny guy. And, I think you're right.

Just one of many said...

There are many uses of a hamster or gerbil that I am sure your well aware of since it seems something is up your wazoo!

Bishop Rick said...

armageddon anyone?

Anonymous said...

this page and the ones like it are the reason so many people think that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a crock of shit molly you are going to look back at the second coming and see just how wrong you where and i will weep for you then and "bishop" rick there are so many things that she gets wrong in her page that i would not know where to begin but lets point out the one blaring one that i always do that molly does not say that we should pray to our savior Jesus Crist but to Joseph Smith which is how she closed her last comment so if you where a true member of the LDS church you would realise that

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Jennifer Allen needs to use punctuation. I'm dizzy from reading so many words so fast. It's hard to make sense of what she's trying to say.

Sideon said...

True dat, SML.

Jennifer does show a little humanity with her "I'll weep for you," but the judgemental assumptions put her right back in the same place as the appendage-envious Trevor: candidates for the Lamedom Kingdom, which is even lower than Outer Darkness. It's kind of like the garage under the garage in the great Celestial parking structure in the sky. At least that's what was revealed to me by Old Joe, but if I said anything else, I'd have to be translated immediately.

Molly The Mormon said...


You should stop fighting me and join me in the quest to garner new membership for the one true church. I have never advocated praying to Joseph Smith. Just because I closed a post in the name of Joseph Smith, implies nothing. I do this because we owe our eternal life to brother joseph. It is a sign of respect. More than I have ever gotten from you or other "so called" Mormons that want to knock the true doctrine that I share here.

Ok, I have dispelled the rumor that I advocate praying to Joseph Smith. What other problems do you see here?

Let's clear these things up so we can get on the same page and join forces in the fight for truth and righteousness.

Molly The Mormon said...


Modern day translation is not out of the question. Though this is not doctine, there are those that believe that Joseph was translated right before his murder so he would not have to taste death.

I like to think that happened so our beloved profit did not suffer at the hands of fools.


Molly the Mormon

Sideon said...


Do you think that anyone shot and killed by the Prophet are candidates for being translated? You know - the guys that Joseph shot with a gun he had smuggled into the Carthage jailhouse?

Would those men still be fools, or is it a kind of honor to be killed by a Prophet?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Molly, thank you for this inspiried post. I have often been led astray into wondering why I hear things like that church leaders have sexually abused children, or stolen tithing funds, and whether that means that they are only fallable humans, appointed by men and not by divine inspiration. But I felt the spirit so strongly from reading your post that my faith was renewed that God himself extends these callings unto us, and that terrible sins committed by his weaker children serving in his name are indeed all part of his overarcing Plan.

Anonymous said...

And Tyler, it seems odd to list a quote attributed to Lincoln in with a pair of quoted from Proverbs. Or did you think you were quoting Twain? Or maybe George Elliot? Someone else? Any unconfirmed source of course would certainly be of equal moral weight to Old Testament Scripture and deserve to be included with verses from the Good Book. Doubtless.

Just one of many said...

Can I be translated, if I pray, pay, and obey? Or do I need to also echo the masonic "Is their no help for the widow's son"?

Anonymous said...

waht the f###########

Anonymous said...

Mol, I'm confused. I hope you can help me out. You wrote, "2) Refusing a calling is being unfaithful to Joseph and is accompanied by dire consequences"

Now, I answer my phone most of the time, but sometimes I let the machine pick it up, are you saying that Joseph would be mad at me for not answering the phone each and every time?

Thanks in advance for clarifying.

Bringum' Young,


Molly The Mormon said...


Don't be silly. There are many righteous reasons not to answer the phone. When we used to have a phone we had standing rules when not to answer:

1) During Family Home Evening
2) During Scripture Study
3) During Family Prayer
4) During Visiting Teaching Visits
5) During Home Teaching Visits
6) During General Conference Talks
7) During Family Meals
8) During Visits from the Bishopric
9) During Dinner with the Elders

And so much more.
If any of these reasons are keeping you from answering your phone, then fret not.

I can see why you might be confused, but recieving a call is not the same as recieving a calling - Unless the call is from Brother Joseph. Then of course you must answer that call no matter what else you are doing.

Hope that helps.


Molly the Mormon

Molly The Mormon said...

Just one of many, Paying, Praying and Obeying is a very good start, but I don't know what that has to do with laying bricks.

Sorry to hear about your husband. Let me know if I can help in any way.


Molly the Mormon

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Molly, you are a gem. A priceless gem.

Anonymous said...

You are accurate in describing my wife! She is my Pearl of Great Price!

The Sinister Porpoise said...

Molly has almost convinced me to come back to church and embrace the truth of Brother Joseph again. I'd forgotten what Fast and Testimony meetings were like. Perhaps to complete it I should add in this post a vision I'm making up on the spot.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I'd like to hear Sinister Porpoise's vision! I bet it's great!

Anonymous said...

At first I thought Molly was for real - supporting the Mormon church. After reading several of her post I finally realized she was trying to be funny. Attacking Mormons and what they believe is a strange topic but this is a free country.

Anonymous said...

Mol, it's been a month since you posted. Are you okay? Or did the Jello give you the....well, the trots? I'm worried, post soon.

Bring'um Young,


Anonymous said...

molly seems to have abandoned her blog

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I think Molly must be spring cleaning her house to be ready for April General Conference.

You know how it is.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Molly,
Some days I feel like I'm the only one defending the faith.
When the gentiles are at the feet of Brother Joseph, they will fully understand our churches teachings. Look to your Book of Mormon, it reads "...remember, it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men." D&C 3:3
I understand that not everyone can be perfect, like Brother Joseph, but we can try!
Bless you,
Sister Sacred

Anonymous said...


I am a devout believing active member in the church and I must say most of your posts make me truly question where your inspiration is coming from. I sense not one ounce of humility within you. And your focus solely on Joseph Smith (whom I greatly respect as a Prophet) is undermining the person to whom we worship and the name our church proclaims.. namely we worship Jesus Christ... I suggest you do some sole searching and get your priorities strait.

I would say "Ramiumptum" is a very accurate description of your method of worship... so at least you are being honest about your self proclaimed superiority complex.

Self righteousness seems to be a sad side effect to elect of God and as the scriptures teach.. leads to the downfall of the members as much as any other sin.

Anonymous said...

It is really sad that otherwise intelligent people allow themselves to be tricked into believing in an imaginary friend that does not exist and does nothing to help them. Everything, even our human morals, can be traced back to evolution (which is scientific fact - scientists call scientific facts THEORIES - look it up the next time someone tells you evolution is a theory).

None of these religious ideas you promote work. No one is waiting to answer your prayers (studies show that sick people get no benefit from prayers), no invisible superman has your back, and the people you love and care about are the ones you should be showering praise on.

In closing, our founding fathers would be aghast at the state of our nation today. What do Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton have in common? They all took part in the building of our Constitution, and they are all atheists. Separation of church and state was clearly defined in our Constitution, and our founding fathers knew what would happen if we let religion back into government. In fact, being religious in early elections was considered a detriment to a presidential campaign. This country never was a Christian nation, regardless of how people want to rewrite history.

I will bet that the warm and loving tone of this board will change dramatically following this post. Everyone is welcome, as long as you agree with me.

Anonymous said...

Since the beginning of human existance there has been religion it is in human nature to think that there is a higher power up there if all religion was to be wiped off the face of the earth the world would go into anarchy.
The united states was first colonized by people seeking RELIGIOUS freedom. they did not seek the right to not worship, but meerly to worship the way they wanted... our founding fathers where part of the masons, a religious organization. the reason the founding fathers wanted religion and politices to be seperate is they did not want a single religion to rule the country the founding fathers where actually very the human mind is a really cool thing, if someone believes in something enough it will happen there have been proven cases where people have gotten better simply by the power of there beliefes........... in short, if your going to bash all religion, don't do it on a page that you will get blown out of the water faster than you can say "religion"

Belladonna said...

While in principle I would agree that callings are of God, they come through the conduit of human beings who don't always know all there is to know about your life. While I would be hesitant to outright turn down a calling, I do think it is appropriate to explain factors of your personal circumstances the leader may be unaware of and ask for further prayer & consideration. While these instances are more the exception than the rule, I've had experience with having a calling honorably withdrawn once my leader understood some circumstances that would have made magnifying that calling nearly impossible. I made it very clear that if he STILL felt that was what God wanted of me I would try my best, knowing nothing is too hard for God. But the fact of the matter is that that while God sends inspiration for callings there's often a certain amount of desperation at work too when trying to staff an organization and some assignments are given with more prayerful consideration than others.

Anonymous said...

"None of these religious ideas you promote work. No one is waiting to answer your prayers (studies show that sick people get no benefit from prayers), no invisible superman has your back, and the people you love and care about are the ones you should be showering praise on."

Golly gee Annon...burst my bubble. : (

Mol, where are you? Come back soon, the funeral potatoes are getting cold.

Bring'um young,


Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you maintain that prayers do not show result in any benefit to sick people. Let's really think about that. If a group of people are praying for someone who is sick, that would mean that there are people who care enough about the infirmed to included them in prayer. Having such a support system could increase the morale of the person who is ill, thereby increasing their happiness. Sonja Lyubomirsky, a PhD and professor at Stanford University, has researched and linked happiness to many benefits including health. Also, people with strong support systems are often less stressed. According to the American Journal for Health Promotion, 50% to 80% of reported diseases are stress-related in origin. I think we can therefore deduce that while prayer may not medically treat the ailment, it can cause medical benefit.

Now for the history lesson. You said, "Separation of church and state was clearly defined in our Constitution". If you want to be specific, it is the First Amendment that states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" and not the body of the Constitution. In early America there was big concern that the governement not establish a state faith or religion, such as the Church of England. Churches in the eraly americas were very concerned about a new government showing favortism to one church over others. The term "seperation of church and state" was actually a term used in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to one such church. The free exercise clause protects the rights of Americans to practice their religion without govermental interference. It is the court system that interperates and guides the extent of coverage that the Amedment offers.

"Although Jefferson believed in a Creator, his concept of it resembled that of the god of deism (the term "Nature's God" used by deists of the time". Benjamin Franklin also stated, ". . . Some books against Deism fell into my hands. . . It happened that they wrought an effect on my quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments of the Deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared to me much stronger than the refutations; in short, I soon became a through Deist." A deist is not the same as an aetheist, although many aetheist like to use shortened quotes by the founding fathers who were deists.

You also stated that, "scientists call scientific facts THEORIES - look it up the next time someone tells you evolution is a theory". Ok, I looked it up. Here's what Wikipedia had to say about it:
"In science, a theory is a mathematical description, a logical explanation, a verified hypothesis, or a proven model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation." From the published works that I read, Evolution is both a fact and a theory meaning that scientists have collected aought data to prove evolu but not how it happened.

Ann Onymous

Anonymous said...

(thats what i said he just said it better)

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Allen, If you were referring to me, I'm a woman.

Ann Onymous

Anonymous said...

that would explain it

Anonymous said...

Mol sweetie, did you forget your password?

Bring'um young,


Anonymous said...
